
The Getting Started Guide
(For Application Developers Who Want To Use Crux)

Downloading and using Crux-O-Matic is quite literally a five step process that should get you started with Crux in less than 10 minutes.

1. Download Source Code
2. Build Your Database
3. Configure Your IIS Application
4. Configure Your Crux Deployment
5. Visit Your Crux Installation
1. Download Source Code

Visit the Crux-O-Matic Home Page and click the Download Button To Download The Latest Crux-O-Matic Release. The Button is located on the right side of the page:

Once downloaded unzip the contents of the zip file in a folder in your hard drive.

2. Build Your Database
  1. Create a new Database called CruxOMatic on your SQL Server or SQL Express instance.

  2. The Unzipped Folder should contain a sub-folder called scripts which in turn should have a file called cruxomaticscripts.sql. Execute this script on your new database.
    Note: If you are calling your database something other than CruxOMatic Please open the script file and change the database name in the first line: “USE [cruxomatic]” to reflect your database name instead of cruxomatic.

3. Configure Your IIS Application
  1. Create a new IIS Application called CruxWebUI and point it to the unzipped folder.

  2. Ensure that this newly created is running on an App-Pool that runs on .NET 4.5 since the current version of Crux runs on .NET 4.5.

4. Configure Your Crux Deployment

Once this is done Open the Crux Configuration File (Crux.config) and change change the connection string to point to your newly created database.

5. Visit Your Crux Installation

Open Your browser and Hit http://localhost/CruxWebUI
Login with username: password: abcd.
Give yourself a pat on your back and take a quick break.
Browse the crux features and continue reading about The Basic Crux User Interface.

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