products Getting Started with Crux-O-Matic

The Simplicity of a product is felt from the moment you unbox it. The ease of using an Open Source Framework should be no different. Come experience how easy it is to grab a copy of the Crux-O-Matic code base, configure it and get started, all in less than five simple steps.

Getting started with
Crux-O-Matic Release

Getting started with
Crux-O-Matic Source

If you are playing around with Crux-O-Matic or planning on building your application on Crux-O-Matic this is the option that you want to go ahead with. If you are planning on developing new features for Crux-O-Matic, want to understand the underlying source code or are debugging and issue with Crux-O-Matic this is the option that you want to go ahead with.